25 December 2013

Dumping Stone on Joyce Road

Late in the afternoon on Dec. 24th (Christmas eve) Rome Township dumped at least 3 truck loads of crushed stone on the north end of Joyce Road.

As the early darkness of winter set in, the township continued to dump crushed stone on the road as a light snow started to fall.

The next day, Christmas day, it was obvious the stone was dumped on the road and not spread or worked into the road surface. This pile of stone was almost a foot high and could be a safety hazard if hit.

A view of the crushed stone dumped on Joyce Road. This stone pile and other stone dumped on the road was plowed off the road by a township snow plow and into ditches and fields within two days after it was dumped.

24 December 2013

23 December 2013

Mud, Mud and more Mud ...

While returning from Rome on Joyce Road I had to shift into four-wheel-drive on my truck to climb the north side of the hill, above the intersection of Bliss Road.

Pictures of the intersection at Bliss Road and Joyce Road.